A Cost-Effective Investment Delivering Immediate and Lasting Bottom-Line Results
The research literature is clear; Individual and Group coaching are among the most cost-effective, high-impact ways to change mindsets, behaviors, culture and organizational dynamics, delivering significant short- and long-term return-on-investment (ROI).
- The International Coach Federation’s 2009 Global Coaching Client Study reported a median return of 7 times the initial investment. 19% indicated a measured ROI of at least 5,000%.
- A Manchester Review study calculated ROI of 5.7 times the initial investment in coaching. 75% of the sample surveyed indicated the value of coaching was “considerably greater” or “far greater” than the money and time invested.
- A Public Personnel Management Study found that companies that offer training alone experience 22.4% increase in productivity, but when combined with coaching that figure rises to 88%.
- A Fortune Magazine poll of senior executives found that a conservative estimate of the monetary payoff from coaching is an average return of more than six times the cost.
- A 2001 Federal Bureau of Prisons “Federal Probation” literature review found that companies who combine coaching with training increase employee productivity over 80%.
And while a 2010 Conference Board Coaching Study confirmed that most formal program evaluation occurs in larger organizations, smaller ones can also greatly benefit from Individual and Group Executive Coaching and Leadership Development.